Dot’s Dash in 2024

On Wednesday I had the privilege of leading a group of eight Hurriers for a hike at Dot’s Dash in the Kolgelberg. We had perfect, cloudy, cool, windless weather which made the day very pleasant for walking. For a couple of people it was their first experience of this wonderful walk, but sadly, the flowers were not at their best, so they were not able to appreciate the true grandeur of the area. Our walk covered only 6.7 kms, but we all knew we had had a hard day by the time we were finished, having just descended the very steep path to Fairy Glen. Those big rock steps really take it out of one’s knees and we were all a bit wobbly

As mentioned the flowers were far from their best, with virtually no Erica pillansii, normally the highlight of the area. We did record a number of other species and some of the Proteas were magnificent, along with many other Ericas. A large Puff Adder on the path just managed to avoid being trodden on by me – we were both relieved to avoid contact! We also saw 4 Ground Woodpeckers and a number of Sunbirds and Sugarbirds, but little else.

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