54 Years Later

We celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary today. Renee pulled out an old album and we were quite shocked to see how we have aged! But the real issue is that we have enjoyed every moment of it and look forward to much more time together!

Brittany Church Interiors

When travelling in South Africa, one cannot just walk into churches at will.  They are only open for services and are otherwise locked.  In Europe, however, where there is little likelihood of theft or vandalisation, all the churches are always open, and they offer a haven of peace and tranquility to the passer by.  One can sit and admire the art – and there is a lot of it, even if only architectural in some instances, commune with one’s God, or just be at peace with the world.  I like the latter and I also like to photograph the beautiful lines and features that one sees.

Walking the Cinque Terre

If one is looking for a beautiful walk along the Italian coast, one could do no better than to tackle the Cinque Terre.  It is around 80 km and one hugs the rugged coastline, passing through quaint fishing villages with wonderful photo-opportunities at every turn.  It is, in fact the only decent way to get between the villages, as the train travels mainly through tunnels carved into the cliffs.  We stayed in Riomaggiore and used the train to get back in the evenings and get to our previous stopping point in the mornings.


Italian streets

Part of the joy of visiting Italy is that one gets to see different things, and to get from one to the other, one must use their streets.  This in itself is an experience, as every street  and alley has a story to tell, if one reads the signs and images along the way.  Once again, armed with a camera, one is able to capture fleeting moments from times past and present, reflected in architecture, signage and art.

Fragments of Italy

A walk in Italy is an almost spiritual experience. One traverses roads that have borne the weight of western history and one can only wonder at what went before.  The Italian people are very much in touch with their past and it is well preserved in nearly every village and building.  I found it very stimulating to be armed with a camera and having the opportunity to capture little glimpses of former times.