Vredehoek Walk

Our route

Debby and Keith led us on a wonderful new walk a short distance to the east of their farm.  We started by going up a track on the north slopes of Van Der Bijlberg, then across a neck to the north slopes of Tafelberg, down the eastern Tafelberg ridge and back to the road on the farm Helderfontein.  The total distance covered was 15.3 km and we climbed from our start at 341 m to a height of 612 m, before returning to 311 m., with many undulations along the way.  There was a threat of rain in the air and we had a cold north-wester blowing, but it didn’t rain and we stayed nice and cool – a perfect day to take a hike!!

Elsa, Renee and Debby

There were only eleven of us and we felt sorry for those who could not make it as it was one of the best walks we’ve had for a while, probably because it was completely new and the fynbos was at its magnificent best.  Unfortunately there was one stretch near the start where a fair amount of pine and hakea was present, but once we were through that it was splendid all the way.  Especially abundant were the brunias, mimetes and a great variety of restios, as well as very many different everlastings.  As usual, there were many unidentified species.

We ended off by having drinks and a snack at Debby and Keith’s recently and beautifully  renovated cottage on their farm, before returning home, exhausted, but ready for more such challenges.

We did decide to postpone our Christmas function this year and will be having a New Year’s party in mid-January instead.  This will give more people a chance to attend, once the Xmas festivities are over.  A notice will go out to all members detailing the new arrangements.

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