Christmas 2015

I would like to wish all my readers a very peaceful and blessed Christmas. May 2016 be a year in which all your dreams come true and you are filled with joy and happiness, and know success in whatever you turn your hand to.  There has been too much horror and misery in 2015 and we can only hope that all those whose lives are not as fortunate as ours, will find peace and stability, and a future to look forward to.  Let us be positive and kind to all those around us and they will hopefully feel the same.May07 004 a

A night of Fire

The fire continued to rage through the night.  Fortunately there was no wind so it spread slowly eastwards.  I took a few photographs during the night from our bedroom and by this morning most of the mountain was a blackened hulk.  The wind has picked up and the fire will no doubt continue for quite a while; certainly until it reaches the smaller vegetation in a previously burnt section of the mountain.